Monday, October 11, 2010

Ohio River - Day 11

As I was leaving Ohio, I got to take a passing glance at the Ohio River. The river runs along Ohio’s Southern Border but also passes though many different states. The river is large, and eventually leads into the Mississippi river. It’s also an important for the economy in the area since many cities run along it and rely on it for power and transportation. The river has mesmerized many who have seen it, and looking at it now I can see why. Thomas Jefferson once wrote about the river, saying "The Ohio is the most beautiful river on earth. Its current gentle, waters clear, and bosom smooth and unbroken by rocks and rapids, a single instance only excepted." Though I imagine the river must have looked much different back when he saw it, it still is a sight to behold. There are also many Native American Historical sites along the river, since it was a vital piece of their culture as well.

1 comment:

  1. Its very interesting how Native Americans (and human civilizations throughout the ages) would settle along the banks of rivers or bodies of water. They would supply transportation, irrigation, a food source, and a water source for them. The Native Americans in New England also had the Atlantic Ocean to use as a resource.
